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tv   11 News at 11  NBC  September 19, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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>> the evening, the big story tonight, they'll the night for 19-year-old alexis simpson, accused of fatally stabbing her college roommate. according to documents, they got into an altercation about the victim's music. the things turned physical and the girls were separated. she went to her room, came out with a knife and lunged at frasier. she later died. the prosecutor calls the entire ordeal a tragedy. >> they took their daughters to college, very bright student. one is in court with her daughter in jail and the other is planning a funeral. >> they claimed the killing was an accident. simpson is charged with first and second-degree murder. the charges could be downgraded at the hearing on october 14.
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the case is spotlighting a disturbing trend that we exposed before, girls viciously attacking each other. videos online of young women fighting often brought thousands of hits. we are joined live to continue this conversation. >> we sat down with a child psychologist to figure out what is fueling the violence? >> teenage girls fighting in front of their peers and some adults, none of whom staff in to stop the violence. child psychiatrists say that violent behavior is becoming
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more common. a fatal fight between female roommates is bringing the issue of violence among young women to the forefront. alexis simpson is accused of stabbing dominique frasier. >> it is becoming more acceptable within certain circles. >> they range from substance abuse and psychology commonly seen in gangs. >> they exhibit pain and become aggressive. it is aggressive, violent
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behavior. >> the best advice is to lead by example, showing your daughter how to avoid conflicts peacefully so she will not get swept in the violence like this. >> one of the most striking things is the range of comments of these videos illicit. the girls are further volleyed and taunted on message boards. people critique of these fights like sporting events. >> state officials sd that violent crime dropped 6% following a national trend there is a drop in property crimes. robberies and motor vehicle deaths fell about 8%. rape increased 6.2% while the nationwide trend dropped 5% due
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in part a change in the way the police classify rape cases. a story about a worker that fell off a bridge this afternoon, the victim fell from the bridge over the river and landed on the island. no word on what caused the worker to fall. they're working with the sheriff's office to investigate. residents in queen anne's county demanding change. the teenager was killed friday while heading to school. community members say that officials need to make that intersection safer. >> the phone calls were coming in saying, my kids ride the bus. >> the news of his death traveled quickly through this tight-knit community. he is described as a great athlete, funny, and kind. >> he will always bring a laugh
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or a smile out of other people. >> on the way to high school friday morning, they came to the intersection of 301 and 304. the driver did not yield to a car traveling south. the car slammed into them. pronounced dead at the scene. >> the children have to cross there. we are tired of learning about children living their lives getting to school. there is not a season that goes by where somebody hasn't been killed at those treacherous intersections. >> neighbors say it is easy to misjudged the speed of oncoming traffic. officials say they will start constructing a turn designed to slow down traffic and only allow
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right-hand turns. it'll cost about $1.3 million. the interchange project is part of the 10-year plan, but is years away from being fully funded and cost nearly $60 million. it is a short-term fix for a problem that needs a long-term solution. >> we really need to consider to do it right. i'm sure we have spent that three times over with the the number of fatalities and accidents at the interchange alone. >> the family is very well known in this community. funeral services are scheduled for wednesday. >> u.s. senator ben cardin wants to create more opportunities for construction workers. he introduced a bipartisan
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legislation that will create 40,000 construction jobs nationwide increase energy efficiency. the republican has co-sponsored the bill. in direct challenge to republicans, president obama laid out his plan to balance the budget. he wants to reduce the deficit by $3 trillion over 10 years. it would include cuts to medicare and medicaid, not social security. it would save money by drawing down troops in iraq and afghanistan and would increase revenues using a so-called buffet rule that would increase taxes on corporations and the wealthy . >> i reject asking a hedge fund manager to pay the same as a teacher as class warfare. >> it will not get the economy going again and it won't get
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people back to work. >> president obama warned he will veto any cost-cutting bills that target programs benefiting the middle-class. he will support reducing mail delivery to five days a week as a way to cut costs. the postal service lost $8.50 billion last year. the postmaster general has proposed closing up to 37 local post offices including several here in maryland. and now a program designed to help homeowners. the emergency mortgage assistance program has the -- stopped this friday. >> the federal government gave millions of dollars to help homeowners that lost their jobs, but she is going to share her
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story about what she did. she settles in her kitchen preparing dinner. she feels secure in her home, relieved that foreclosure is no longer a threat. she had to leave her sales manager's job to take care for sick father in connecticut. >> i did not realize how about finding a job was. >> she used up her retirement savings and got money from her family to keep payments up on her bel-air home. the mortgage company never answered her requests. but a public-interest legal association got involved. >> it was a blessing. they gave me my house and made sure i will keep my home. >> the maryland department of housing and community
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development is no longer accepting applications. they processed more than 3600 applications, and the staff -- housing and urban development's deadline to commit funds has always been to #30 and we have enough applications that encumber all funds. she is making about $23,000 less, but received a $46,500 loan. the state will -- if she fails to report a change in income, she must pay back the money. until there is a zero balance.
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>> i am glad you got it. it was just a good time for me and my family. >> the remaining applications, as the program is ending, anyone should contact the housing council or seek legal assistance. also a mortgage workshop is set for october 22 in the sheraton columbia. >> baltimore county executive wants to offer an early- retirement package to county employees. it is mainly targeted at teachers. there is no official target, there is discussion of getting 200 people to take advantage of it. the economic crisis is expected to put pressure on county's
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finances. the proposal requires a change in the law that must be approved by baltimore county council. what do young people in the top military academies think about gay men and women? we will share what seems to be the general consensus and changes to maryland's driver's test is driving up the failure rate. >> it is a danger to students had and endangering the faculty. >> deplorable learning conditions at a local university, students describe what they are dealing with. >> normal temperatures locked in and some rain on the way. the seven-day forecast coming up. 64 at the airport and 69 degrees 64 at the airport and 69 degrees down
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>> maryland police are looking
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for whoever shot and killed a bull legal. we are told the bird was found near cumberland. he had been dead no more than a week. bald eagles are protected by the protection act. a first offense carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and $100,000 fine. students are calling for officials to make critical repairs to an old building. several students protested outside of the dinkins building on the northeast baltimore campus today. trash cans catch water from the leaking roof creating a less than optimum learning environment. >> it leaks inside the classroom which causes mildew that we have to sit in and smell and maintain. >> it is difficult to learn in that environment.
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>> there is no heater, we feel hot. it is very bad. >> plans are in the works for a new roof to be installed. officials at the top military academy says that the revealing of the don't ask don't tell won't cause any fundamental changes. the policy and is tomorrow. the death say that confidence and character are what matter to them, not sexual orientation. they told that they welcomed the uneventful transition. failure rates have increased among those that want in maryland driver's license. she puts herself in the driver's seat to explain why as she takes the maryland drivers challenge. >> it got a lot more challenging to were the end of last year.
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they now take new drivers out on the road. >> they gauge what the driver can and can't do in real life. >> they have seen failure rates go up overall. there are encouraging experienced in the new drivers to take the on line driver tutorial. >> a lot of state laws have taken effect. we want to challenge the existing driver and the new driver to take that on-line tutorial to see if they can pass the test. >> they convinced me to take the maryland driver challenge. >> i got behind the wheel with my examiner. first up is the skill of course -- skill course. that is a test failure. i tried agian and got it right. parallel parking, surprisingly,
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i passed. check that off. at the next stop sign, i encountered my next failure. >> the tires must be behind the white line. in thisgoing to stay lane and follow the road. >> i made it through several stoplights taking my hands off the wheel wants. >> i did not see a speed limit sign. >> we passed two. >> i would have done fine if not for the skills portion. luckily, they let me leave with my license. >> now, your 11 forecast with tom tesselmeyer. >> not a lot ever in the past
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few days, but there is a coastal flood advisory thanks to the south and southeast wind we have been dealing with. it prevented the tides from moving out and so high tide at fort mchenry and a couple hours later of the bay, running a couple feet above normal. a little bit of coastal flooding of the of the potomac river. it was kind of a cloudy day that kept temperatures down. the high at the airport was only 70. the record high as 94 degrees. it can still get hot in september, but we will average below these normal as the cool weather pattern sticks with us the last few days of summer. fall officially begins on friday. unlikely to make it to baltimore by morning, there is a better chance you will wake up with a wet weather. temperatures will not be as cool
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because of the cloud cover. you see some rain in the frederick county. early in the morning, the possibility of a shower west of town. the front of that is bringing this first batch of showers in lovely followed by a second front and will reach about the eastern seaboard and then stalled. most of this week, clouds and showers are in the forecast. we track through about 11:00 and off and on showers develop on wednesday, thursday, and maybe friday we will be dealing with clouds and a shower or perhaps a thunderstorm. 71-76 tomorrow. western maryland showers tomorrow and a thunderstorm popping up on wednesday. they are in the low 50's all day today.
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temperatures in the low to mid 70's. only about a 20-30% chance of rain. in the atlantic, we are keeping an eye out a strong tropical wave that this will become another tropical storm. it is organizing into the east of the caribbean. it may become tropical storm ophelia. we will monitor that. showers tomorrow and wednesday, up to 50% or 60% on thursday. fall officially begins at 5:00 05 in the morning on friday. had a chance for a thunderstorm saturday. >> the ravens have seen the od, the bad, and the ugly. hear what the coach has to say next, in sports.
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>> good evening, her with me is the maryland lottery drawing official. the jackpot has an estimated annuity of $2.3 million. you're winning numbers for monday r 13, 22, 35, 27, 42, who 20. 13, 22, 35, 27, 42, 20. if nobody matches all six numbers, the jackpot climbed to $2.4 million. the next drawing is thursday night. for the latest lottery news, visit mdlott
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>> blame it on game plan execution, lack of the motion, take your pick. the for the second year in a row, they follow a win with a loss that nobody saw coming. in a schedule that has the jets, chargers, steelers, you don't like to see winnable games show up in the loss column. the ravens committed three turnovers. they know they both can and have to improve from yesterday's's
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performance. they're putting together a stronger game plan for the road trip to st. louis. >> there is itself a valuation, soul-searching, it may be reserved for some other things. definitely self as out -- a self evaluation. our guys take responsibility. coaches and players. it is our performance. >> he does cowboys quarterback looks like the actor of the disney movie when he came in off the bench after breaking his ribs earlier in the game and leading the cowboys to an overtime win. it makes him look more like a super hero. he also played with a collapsed lung caused by the broken ribs. cowboys fans will expect a quarterback who can play with broken ribs and a collapsed lung should have only perfect games when he feels healthy.
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in a season filled with this appointment, with a wind earlier today, boston may sidestep the embarrassment of a 100 lost season. but tonight, back to this appointment with a horrible outing. bottom of the first, three runs shy. he gave up six runs before he left in the second. the bottom of the seventh, bases loaded, not anymore. a grand slam. the orioles lose 18-9. they sidestep a triple digit lost season with an afternoon when. he used a string of home runs to put the squeeze on boston's playoff hopes. it will start to left field, a busy day over the monster. he is going the exact same direction with the exact same
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results. five-one orioles at that point. how about a green monster trifecta. monster and then some, orioles when the afternoon game 6-5. you don't see many 42-year-old making their living playing professional sports. a flair for putting of numbers we have never seen before, including 602 saves. closed out the game hall, 1, 2, 3 strikeouts. the most in major-league history, he passes hoffman as the most prolific closure of all time, but don't get attached to that number. chances are it will grow significantly. >> he is not young. >> most 42-year-old sgt.
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-- olds aren't. >> here is jay leno with a look ahead on the "tonight show." >> a guest from nbc's new >> a guest from nbc's new sitcom and
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that's amazing. you know what else is amazing? how easy it is to save money on motorcycle, boat, or camper insurance with geico. geico, saving people money, on more than just car insurance.
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>> we don't need more rain, but we don't have much of a choice. >> some showers and even a thunderstorm as temperatures warm up a bit. the only difference between this one at the last one, this one doesn't have tropical connections. just late summer fun that will stall and slowdown. that goes up to 50% or 60%. just after 5:00 a.m. friday morning, the first weekend of fall is a split decision. is it supposed to bother us less that it is not related to the tropical storm? >> remember what happened last time, it was not good. that is a look to the news this evening, just a reminder, the tonight show is up next. see you tomorrow.
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>> announcer: it's "the tonight


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